That’s why we have an advanced security infrastructure to keep your transactions safe. We do what it takes to earn the trust that you and 59+ crore Indians have placed in us.


Your safety comes first

Secure from the start

Every transaction on PhonePe needs your fingerprint/face ID, UPI PIN and password for authentication.

Payment Privacy

Only you and the person you are transacting with will be able to see the details of your payment.

Risk assessment

Our security teams monitor all transactions in real-time to block any suspicious activity. We also report fraud complaints & block fraudulent users from accessing the PhonePe platform

Partners in protection

To aid safe transactions, we have partnered with cyber-crime cells of government law enforcement and security agencies, such as National Cybercrime Portal, CyCord and CyberSafe.

PhonePe works hand-in-hand with law enforcement agencies to prevent cyber crime

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Your guide to safe transactions

Learn to identify and report suspicious payment requests, transactions and profiles with these safety tips.

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Read Trust & Safety Blogs

PhonePe Blogs Image

How to spot and stop Phishing attacks

Phishing attacks have become increasingly frequent, targeting Indians through emails, text messages, and phone calls. As mobile devices become our primary gateway to digital services, India has emerged as a prime target for these deceptive schemes.

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PhonePe’s Guardrails: Real-Time Fraud Detection

Our Trust & Safety team – comprising decision scientists,investigators, engineers, and product managers across the country – oversee real-time fraud detection. In today’s post, we’ll explore some of the Trust & Safety initiatives we’ve adopted to safeguard your transactions and data, while protecting your privacy.

PhonePe Blogs Image

Don’t Become a Money Mule: Your Guide to this Financial Scam

What if someone offered you Rs.500 a week just to receive and forward payments through your bank account? Sounds too good to be true? That’s because it is – and it’s one of the fastest-growing financial scams targeting ordinary people.

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Find out more about PhonePe Safety

How does PhonePe keep my payments safe?

We assign a risk score to every transaction on the app. Transactions with high risk scores are automatically blocked, keeping your payment safe.

Where can I learn about payment fraud?

Read our blogs to find out about the common types of fraud and how you can stay safe.

What can I do to keep my transactions safe?

  • Never share your UPI PIN, OTP, CVV and credit/debit card details with anyone
  • Never enter your UPI PIN to receive money on PhonePe
  • Never download third party apps, such as AnyDesk and TeamViewer at the request of unknown callers

What’s the safest way to reach PhonePe support?

The safest way to get the help you’re looking for is to write to us at:

What if someone tries to login to my account?

Any login from a new device will require an OTP, which is sent to your registered mobile number. If an incorrect OTP is used three times, your PhonePe account will be blocked for 24 hours, for your own safety.

On your mobile app

Registered PhonePe users can report
suspicious activity on the PhonePe app

Go to the PhonePe app on your mobile

Go to :Help > Account security issue-Report
Fraudulent activity

On the website

Not registered on PhonePe?
You can still report an issue! Go to
Report complaints to the nearest cyber crime center or online at

Is it safe to transfer money through PhonePe?
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Is the PhonePe app safe?
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How do I register a fraud complaint on PhonePe?
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How secure is my information on PhonePe?
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Is it safe to add a bank account on PhonePe?
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